Thursday, 17 February 2011

The Sims 3!

The Sims 3, a 2009 strategic life simulation computer game was developed by The Sims Studio and published by Electronic Arts. It is the sequel to the best-selling computer game, The Sims 2. It was first released on June 2, 2009 simultaneously for Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. The Sims 3 was released to home consoles on October 26, 2010, for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo DS and later the Wii platform on November 15, 2010. There is also a Nintendo 3DS version under development, which will be in 3D (although the console itself has not been released yet).

It has also been released for mobile phones, such as those running the iOS, Windows Phone 7, webOS, Android, Symbian^3, and Nokia N-Gage platforms. A much simpler version is also available for mobile phones with support for the Java platform.

The Sims 3, an instant success, sold 1.4 million copies in its first week and dominated the sales charts over a month later. Critics issued mostly positive reviews. The Sims 3 gained an 86% score from aggregator Metacritic.

The Sims 3 Cheat: Cheat List

During gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C (CTRL+SHIFT+WindowsKey+C for Vista) to bring up the cheats console. Enter the codes below for the desired effect.

  • constrainFloorElevation [true/false] - Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures
  • enableLlamas - Enables llamas, obviously
  • jokePlease - Summon a joke
  • hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] - Hide all meters and effects
  • quit - Quit the game
  • help - Lists all available commands
  • slowMotionViz [x] - Slow motion, where [x] is 0-8 (0 is normal)
  • resetSim [x] - Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home where [x] is first and last name
  • fps [on/off] - Toggles frames per second in upper right of HUD
  • fadeObjects [on/off] - Toggles object fade when camera zooms
  • testingcheatsenabled - Turns on Testing Cheats (See Below)
  • disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] - Hold Alt to avoid object snap when toggled
  • kaching - While on the lot, this gives you $1,000
  • motherlode - While on the lot, this gives you $50,000
  • moveobjects on/off - Move anything (including Sims) in your Buy/Build mode
  • familyFunds [x][y] - Give money to a family, where [x] is the family's last name and [y] is the amount
  • fullscreen [on/off] - Toggles windowed mode
  • unlockOutfits [on/off] - Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. Note: Must be enabled before entering CAS

# Easy money

Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simoleons.

# Saving money

No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it the same day you got it you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of all your money.

# Easy Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening skills

This trick requires a TV with a Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channel and a video game system. Have a Sim sit down and watch television. Switch the TV over to one of the previously mentioned channels so that the Sim can start earning his or her skill point. Then, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games. Notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as they please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill points at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic and Cooking skills will continue to rise. If you keep repeating the steps until each skill channel has been viewed, the Sim will keep learning the three skills as he or she goes on about their daily life, and four when doing skill activities.

# Free bookcase skills

Buy a bookcase, then have your Sim begin to study. Interrupt the action so that the book is placed on the ground. Sell the bookcase. The book can now do everything the bookcase could have done for free.

# Increasing chance to have baby boys

Have a pregnant female Sim eat apples to increase the chance of having a boy.

# Increasing chance to have baby girls

Have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons to increase the chance of having a girl.

# Increasing chance for multiple babies

To increase the chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment.

# Ghosts in your house

Go to the graveyard, click on all the tombstones, and take all possible tombstones. Return to your house, and place them somewhere in your backyard. You now have a 70% chance of a ghost or two, or even a whole party of ghosts visiting your house each night. To improve your chances, write in the epitaph "Here Lies [Sim's name], The One Who Returns".

# Making friends

Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips". People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.

# Quickly advance age

Use the following trick to change your Sim's age (toddler, child, teen, etc.) quickly. Buy a birthday cake from the grocery store, and place it somewhere on your lot. Click the cake, and select "Have Birthday". Then, choose the Sim to be aged. This is a good method to get past the baby stage.

# Avoiding death

Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush". Harvest the flower from it, and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die, that Sim will give the flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although the flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has Level 7 Gardening, they can plant the "Unknown Special Seeds" found in the graveyard and some other places that have a chance to grow as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant may help.

# Changing your name

To easily change your name, go to the map, and find City Hall. It should give you an option to change your name during the day between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

# New clothes

To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once there, click "Plan Outfit". You can put a total of three different clothes for each type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.).

# Learning all guitar songs from books

Have your Sim reach Guitar skill level 5. Have a level 5 book in their inventory, click the guitar, then select "New Song" to learn it. After reaching Guitar skill level 6, do the same thing with a level 6 book. Repeat the process until the Sim reaches Guitar skill level 10, and they will know all songs that were taught.

# Creating brilliant paintings or masterpieces

Create a stylized still life after it is unlocked. Choose "Genius", and make it in the largest possible frame. You will now have a much better chance of getting a brilliant painting or masterpiece.

# Building a basement

Put down staircases on a new lot to lower the terrain. Go to the bottom of the first one, and miss out one tile, then put down another staircase. Repeat this again to have three staircases. Delete the staircases. Use the "Level Terrain" tool to level the terrain from the lowest tile. Set it as big or small as desired. Using the "Straight Line Wall" tool, build walls around this hole so there are walls pressed up against hills. Build the room above so it covers the entire basement. Cover around the house with the "Foundation" tool; all the slopes should be covered up. Place one tile in the top floor, then create a staircase leading down to the basement. Make two or more foundation blocks at the front of the house, and place a staircase leading up them.

# Duck Time moodlet

Buy the Ducksworth of Bathington, and place it in your bathtub. When a Sim takes a bath, they will get the Duck Time moodlet which results in a +15 boost for four hours.

# Getting rid of dirty dishes

Drag an empty plate into a Sim's inventory, then drag it to sell. You will not get any money, but if your Sim does not have a dish washer, it is a quick and efficient way to get rid of dirty dishes.

# Strange faces

There is a glitch in Create-A-Sim mode that allows to you to make very strange faces. Go to the face designing area. Select a face part such as the eyes, and max out all the sliders one way or the other. Then, go to a different face part, and select one of the predesigned parts. Return to the eyes. The sliders will have reset to the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all of the face adjusting tabs. You can then continue to max out the size of the eyes and repeat. You can make eyes the size of dinner plates, very long cheekbones, huge noses, and more.

# Hording pizza

Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery man arrives, do not accept the pizza. The delivery man will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and it will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas there as you want. If your Sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.

# EA game references

When you have the video game system and your Sims play it, zoom in on the TV to see that the games they are playing are various Electronic Arts titles.

# Spore reference

Have a Sim reach the top painting level to have the ability to create masterpieces. One of the paintings that can be created is that of a creature from Spore.

Read more:

Some Of ScreenShot:

In The Gym

My Sims's band (POTC Band-_-)

Sucker Vampire

My Pink Valentine House. Download house from TSR.

Yg ini lawak. Gambar: Google

Monday, 14 February 2011

My Aspiration & Goal

When I was child, about 2 or 3 years old I really love drawing and colouring. Well I don't expert at that till now, I just drawing randomly anything in ma mind and something that I like or love and don't forget to colouring in the last.

I draw anything! Dot dot dot, line, house, my self, my family, animals, plant, hotel, tangled yarn or 'benang kusut', etc.-_- But my Mother said, from every paint that I draw, I mostly draw hotel, village or house. I'll get inspiration and draw it in a paper, table, or my wall room. And maybe its become one of my reason wanted and wished to be an architect (?).

But now, I don't really love drawing, I just love it moodly, hmm I mean I draw somethin' when I just need it. For example when ma teacher give me task or when I very really extra bored like this:

I did this weird activity in my own room:

Sedikit menyontek dari google

Pure From ma mind, Created by: me

1. Grass

2. Stem

3. Leaves

4. Petals

5. Flowers

6. Completed Flower



I love Process and Development

Oke I've got some Aspiration for my future. I wanted to be an Architect! (I dunno, it may changes someday). Before I think want to be an Architect, I even wants to becoming a Teacher or a Doctor. But, its not long.

I think becoming an Architect such as a funny activities, I don't need to go my office everyday and non-stop seeing computer and do all task from boss. Its may bored, its may fun If I'm The Boss. ho ho. Remember that I'm a girl becoming a woman, someday I must to marry and caring all my child, so I think I could do my job at Home as Architect.

Some people think Architect is unimportant job that ensure our life, because in this life we don't need architect to build a simple building like house. Oh noo, that's wrong I think! Cause if u there's a fault things in design it, you'll feel uncomfortable and still you call that house as your HOME, your PALACE? Hoho.

Yeah for details what is an Architect doing, you can read it on google, wikipedia, and other source. Because its too long to describe in my blog. But, one think, being an Architect need a handbook that's called Architect Data. And make this project is NOT EASY AS JUST DRAWING. So, I must learn in university soon, but now I want focus to UN hoho.

Oke itu sekilas tentang hobby dan cita-cita saya.

Kay, see ya!

Writing Vs Speaking & Laughing

You know what??? I'm confused. Saya pusing. Saya galau.

Honestly, I'm the one who's really very little bit lazy to 'Writing' via paper or blog, except twitter. I'm not good at writing and when I start to write on paper or my blog, ussually I wrote a silly thing from ma mind.

But, In this situation, I got some opportunity to write my blog to completed my task and get a score. And Mr. Lis Rahanto allow me to write anything about Hobby & Technology in my second Blog. (actually I have my 'Ex Blog' which still keep in touch with me HAHA).

But, If I must to write my all hobby, I think its too many for me to mention it all. Banyak bgt lah gilaaa.

Hobby gua adalah 'Tidak suka menulis' lebih suka berbicara, ya bicara apapun itu sepak sepik aja yang menting bicara. Dari pembicaraan sangat berbobot, berbobot, normal, bodoh, aneh, sampai pembicaraan yang superduperextrareallyreally not important.

Bicara juga gak sama sembarangan orang. Ya kali orang lewat terus gua asal ceplas ceplos. I'm (still) Normal and know what is the meaning of 'Norma'. (?) Tapi kalo bicara di depan umum........ Masih belum terlalu bisa. Kurang confidence. Hoho

Tetapi dibalik berbicara gua sebenernya lebih suka tertawa dan melakukan hal hal bodoh yang bisa membuat orang tertawa. That's not mean.......... Melawak. Nggak, bukan kayak gitu. Tertawa yang gua maksud itu menertawakan/ tertawa ngakak bebas lepas sama temen atau keluarga untuk menghilangkan segala macam masalah atau hal yang mengganjal.

My motto:

Tertawalah Sebelum Kita Ditertawakan


Tertawalah Sebelum Tertawa Itu DILARANG

Sekarang gini deh malu ga sih di ketawain? Daripada diketawain mending kita ketawa duluan. (?)

Kedua, emang enak kita geli tapi gadibolehin ketawa? Misalnya lu melihat seorang temen lu mirip Sule atau temen lu yg sedikit berlebih anggep aja inisialnya Q, si Q kepeleset terus guling2 dilapangan, abis itu temen lu yg lain nambah ngeguling2 in si Q, terus si Q jadi kotor terus kena tanah jadi kayak Pisang Coklat? (oke ini lebay tp true story haha-_-v). GAMUNGKIN GA TAHAN KALAU GA KETAWA. Nah kalo ntar ketawa itu dilarang. Mau jadi apaan perut gua? Haha.

Ketawa ada batasnya juga tapi, menurut gua, batas ketawa adalah disaat air mata sudah keluar dan suasana telah sepi. Jangan dilanjutkan, bahaya. Bisa nangis kejer ga jelas. Bisa kerasukan setan ketawa juga lagi. Bahaya...... Jangan ah pokoknya labil bgt.

Oke baiklah itu sekian tentang sedikit Hobby saya, Tips dan tulisan tidak penting dari saya, semoga tidak bermanfaat dan anda tidak membacanya. Karna itu sangat bodoh.

Salam Tertawa,


Thursday, 10 February 2011

Apa itu 3G?

Kita telah menyaksikan satu lagi sejarah dimana pengguna telefon bimbit di Malaysia telah boleh menikmati kemudahan teknologi terkini yang lebih canggih iaitu kemudahan teknologi 3G. Apa itu 3G? 3G adalah dari singkatan 3rd Generation atau Generasi ketiga. Generasi ketiga adalah dimana data boleh dimuat-turun dengan kadar yang lebih laju iaitu dengan kelajuan 384 kbps dan boleh mencecah 2Mbps.

Jika ada 3G mesti ada 1 atau 2G, dimanakah 1 dan 2G ini? Sebenarnya 1G atau generasi pertama telefon bimbit adalah pada tahun 1980. Dimana pada masa itu ianya hanya digunakan oleh golongan yang berkemampuan sahaja. Saiz telefon dan fungsinya adalah terhad . Pada tahun 1990, teknologi 2G mula diperkenalkan dengan teknologi GSM, telefon telahpun menjadi lebih kecil dan telefon boleh memindahkan data dengan kelajuan 9.6 kbps.

Pada tahun 2000 2.5G telah diperkenalkan dengan kemunculan kaedah memindahkan data melalui GPRS. Kelajuan telah meningkat dari 9.6 kbps kepada 46 kbps, kemudian mucul pula EDGE masih dalam 2.5G dengan kelajuan 115kbps. Dalam era baru pengguna boleh mengakses kemudahan 3G ini dengan kelajuan 384 kbps. Sebenarnya 1G, 2G, 2.5G dan 3G tidak mempunyai perbezaan dari segi komunikasi, ianya hanya berbeza apabila kita menggunakan telefon untuk kemudahan pemindahan data. Mengakses internet, memuat turun gambar, menonton TV, melihat pergerakan lalulintas dan mengakses pemindahan data dengan mudah dan pantas.


Sejarah Handphone

Sejarah telepon seluler atau yang kita kenal HP, ternyata sudah ada dari jaman penjajahan, yaitu kira-kira tahun 1947 di negara paman sam alias Amrik dan Eropa sana. Pada tahun 1910 adalah cikal bakal telepon seluler yang ditemukan oleh Lars Magnus Ericsson, yang merupakan pendiri perusahaan Ericsson yang kini di kenal dengan perusahaan Sony Ericsson. Pada awalnya, orang Swedia ini medirikan perusahaan Ericsson memfokuskan terhadap bidang bisnis perlaan telegraf, dan perusahaanya juga tidak terlalu besar pada waktu itu.

Pada tahun 1921 pertama kalinya Departemen Kepolisian Detroit Michigan menggunakan teleopn mobile yang terpasang di semua mobil polisi dengan menggunakan freuensi 2 MHz.

Pada tahun 1960, di Finlandia sebuah perusahaan bernama Fennis Cable Works yang semula berbisnis dibidang kabel, melakukan ekspensi dengan mendirikan perusahaan elektronik yang bernama Nokia sebagai handset telepon seluler.

Tahun 1970-an perkembangan telepon mobile menjadi pesat dengan di dominasi oleh 3 perusahaan besar yaitu di Eropa dengan perusahaan Nokia dan Ericsson dan di Amerika dengan perusahaan Motorola

Pada tahun 1969, sistem telekomunikasi seluler dikomersialkan. Setelah tahun 1970, telekomunikasi seluler semakin sering dibicarakan orang. Motorola mengenalkan telepon genggam tiga tahun kemudian. Ukurannya memang cukup besar dengan antena pendek. Ada pula ponsel dengan ukuran sekoper. Dr Cooper yang menjadi manajer proyek inovasi Motorola itu memasang base station di New York. Untuk proyek ini Motorola bekerja dengan Bell Labs.

Penemuan ini sekaligus diklaim sebagai penemuan ponsel pertama. Di suatu pagi 3 April 1973,Cooper, saat itu menjabat sebagai general manager pada Divisi Communication Systems Motorola mempertunjukkan cara berkomunikasi aneh dari terminal telepon portable. Dia mencoba ponsel ‘raksasanya’ sambil berjalan–jalan di berbagai lokasi di New York. Itulah saat pertama ponsel ditampilkan dan digunakan di depan publik.

Dalam pertunjukan itu, Cooper menggunakan ponsel seberat 30 ounce sekitar (800 gram) atau sepuluh kali lipat dibandingkan rata – rata ponsel yang beredar saat ini.


Saturday, 5 February 2011


Siapa yang ga tau monopoly? Well itu mainan dari jaman kapan tau sampe sekarang masih tetap eksis dan disukai di kalangan manapun. Terutama saya! Cuma, sekarang monopoly banyak dibuat dalam berbagai bentuk. Ada yang tetap menggunakan papan hanya beda tokoh, cara, ataupun di dalam dunia digital seperti di computer dan sebagainya.

Berikut ini sedikit macam dari bermacam-macam monopoly yang ada.

Monopoly with Electronic Banking

I loves to play this one. Monopoly spongebob!!!

Monopoly Here&Now

How about this cool things?

Monopoly Pink!! Unyu banget kaaan? Wanna buy? go to


* 8 collectible tokens

* Keepsake storage box with removable tray and mirrored insert

* Pink gameboard with pink and purple translucent boutiques and malls

* Instant Message and Text Message cards

* Pink Title Deed cards

* Redesigned Monopoly money

* Flocked banker’s tray

* 2 pink dice

Baiklah hanya itu. Sekian dan terimakasih.

Salam Hangat Dingin Panas dan Hujan dari:


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