Monday 14 February 2011

My Aspiration & Goal

When I was child, about 2 or 3 years old I really love drawing and colouring. Well I don't expert at that till now, I just drawing randomly anything in ma mind and something that I like or love and don't forget to colouring in the last.

I draw anything! Dot dot dot, line, house, my self, my family, animals, plant, hotel, tangled yarn or 'benang kusut', etc.-_- But my Mother said, from every paint that I draw, I mostly draw hotel, village or house. I'll get inspiration and draw it in a paper, table, or my wall room. And maybe its become one of my reason wanted and wished to be an architect (?).

But now, I don't really love drawing, I just love it moodly, hmm I mean I draw somethin' when I just need it. For example when ma teacher give me task or when I very really extra bored like this:

I did this weird activity in my own room:

Sedikit menyontek dari google

Pure From ma mind, Created by: me

1. Grass

2. Stem

3. Leaves

4. Petals

5. Flowers

6. Completed Flower



I love Process and Development

Oke I've got some Aspiration for my future. I wanted to be an Architect! (I dunno, it may changes someday). Before I think want to be an Architect, I even wants to becoming a Teacher or a Doctor. But, its not long.

I think becoming an Architect such as a funny activities, I don't need to go my office everyday and non-stop seeing computer and do all task from boss. Its may bored, its may fun If I'm The Boss. ho ho. Remember that I'm a girl becoming a woman, someday I must to marry and caring all my child, so I think I could do my job at Home as Architect.

Some people think Architect is unimportant job that ensure our life, because in this life we don't need architect to build a simple building like house. Oh noo, that's wrong I think! Cause if u there's a fault things in design it, you'll feel uncomfortable and still you call that house as your HOME, your PALACE? Hoho.

Yeah for details what is an Architect doing, you can read it on google, wikipedia, and other source. Because its too long to describe in my blog. But, one think, being an Architect need a handbook that's called Architect Data. And make this project is NOT EASY AS JUST DRAWING. So, I must learn in university soon, but now I want focus to UN hoho.

Oke itu sekilas tentang hobby dan cita-cita saya.

Kay, see ya!


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